Friday, June 3, 2016

Spring Cleaning!

I 've been doing serious spring cleaning and that includes going through every drawer and closet in the house.  And if that isn't enough, I'm giving our living room a makeover!  I haven't gone out of my way to trade vintage goodies, but I was contacted with offers I simply couldn't refuse. And the garden this time of year...just  beautiful.

I was offered this delphite periwinkle blue mixing bowl set in a trade.  It is unmarked but the identical in shape and size of Fire King splash proof bowls. The largest bowl in this set is 7.5" Darling little set!

Jeannette and McKee are my jadite and delphite of choice. I also received a seafoam green Anchor Hocking bowl for my collection.

Delighted to add these Jeannette measuring cups to my small collection.

I've been in a Pyrex trading group for years now and made a lot of great trades with a lot of different people.  Many of us tend to go through phases and we move onto other things and can easily give up great things to get great things.  We don't just continue to accumulate, but rotate I guess you could say.  Just an observation!  haha!

Jeannette refrigerator of my repeat trading buddies hunted these up for me.

A couple fantastic trades!  I gave up some Pyrex and gained jadiete and pink butterpint.

Hubby wanted me to have something for Mother's day so he took me antiquing.  That is a rare occasion as we are the thrifty type!  I purchased a Jeannette grease jar and McKee chalaine blue fridgie dish at 30% off!

And more jadite goodies from one of my regular trading buddies.  Quite a few pieces in a short period of time, but it was spread out enough so packing wasn't too grueling.

And a series of pictures from my back yard....