Friday, February 7, 2014

Great Week! Anthropomorhpics, Franciscan Starburst, Fire King and Lots o' Pyrex!!!!

My hunting the first few days this week produced some exciting finds, downside was some were a bit on the pricey side for the thrifts.  But sometimes we just gotta bite our lip and pay up!  Here's probably the most exciting find (outside of Pyrex!)  I'm glad I got these finds especially since we have a snow storm and I probably won't be able to go out for a few days.

Aren't these sweet!?  I'll have to give hubby credit for spotting them first.  Can't find a maker on these anthropomorphic salt and pepper shakers marked Japan.  I can find them on the net, but no one seems to know who made them.  There are different color variations, I'm so happy that I got a set that not only has one with eyes open and one closed, but also are in pink and blue!

I told the clerk I needed to run and drop off my donation to get a 20% coupon, even then the set was still over $10 which is the most I've ever spent on salt and pepper shakers.

Another nice find at the same store were these Fire King bowls.  Again, priced high.  I only got 10% off the original price--still over $5 a bowl.  Ouch!!!!  But I knew if I didn't get these I would regret it later.  I have the coffee mugs in the pink/white with the gold trim--I've seen the coffee mug in the turquoise before. Oh how I would love some of those too! These bowls are in excellent shape, otherwise I would have just left them.

And I'm a bit freaked out-- know that sounds melodramatic, but I found two pieces of Franciscan Starburst AGAIN!!   I go years without finding a piece in the wild and then in 8 days I pick up 3 bread plates and a cup at different stores in different towns.  Anyway, got these two minty butter plates for 89 cents each! How I would love to find more!

I also found a buddy for my blue puppy Jean-Claude, well, that's what I'm calling him.  I found this sweet long bodied deer salt shaker for 89 cents.

I'm posting at Pyrex Collective III today as it doesn't look like I'll be out to find anything before Sunday. The snow keeps coming down.  You can see my exciting haul here.

Linking up with Sir-Thrift-A-Lot at thriftasaurus!


  1. Those Fire King bowls are gorgeous! I would have paid $5 for them in a heartbeat. And the Franciscan ... I am so envious. What a great week you've had.

    1. Eileen--It's always a surprise to find wonderful things. I can't expect them, but when they happen it's so fun! And I still can't believe I found those bowls!!!

  2. What a great haul! Would have all come home with me, too. Don't know who made the shakers either, but they are sweet.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if half the store heard us oh-ing and ah-ing over those shakers. I need to learn to control that!!! ha-ha

  3. love those flower salt and pepper shakers. I used to have some myself and they had a PY in a circle imprinted on the bottom. Do yours? They were very high quality. However, nobody ever knew who made them. Love your Fire King bowls too. All great scores!

    1. Pam, I looked at PY shakers to see if these popped up--they just seem so PY! No luck. No marks on mine. And yes, these are porcelain and meticulously painted--quality just like you said.

  4. I said it before, but I'll say it again-the Franciscan pottery gods are smiling on you. Can you send some of that Starburst luck my way??

    That long bodied deer is absolutely adorable-you find the best things!

    1. I'm working on it Maureen, I truly am!!!!

  5. Great finds even at those prices. The s & p flowers are too cute!

    1. I know Diane, we just COULDN'T leave the shakers at the thrift store. They are just too darling! There's always a little space left in the knick knack cabinet right?!

  6. Love those flower shakers. They are just wonderful. I never ever see Fire King bowls when I go thrifting. They were just waiting for you to rescue them!

    1. Kim--The ones I usually see are plain and I pass them up as I have so many dishes. But then I come across these, and well, I find all kinds of reasons I NEED them!

  7. Such fun finds! ♥


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